Today we head to Ao Nang beach. We both just laugh as it is just to stunning for words.
We have feasted on coconut waffles, little coconut balls with sugar cane in the middle and a coconut bun that just melted in the mouth. Thankyou coconuts. We have also feasted on mangos for the entire trip, I think I may have withdrawal symptoms when I come home. Thankyou Mangos.
If we had a competition for the money least well spent, it almost went to Sarah for her train ticket going through the washing machine, but was sorted by a few trips to the train and police station. So we think I am the winner having thought it was a really good idea to get a henna tatoo, which resembles something of a birds mess on the side of my leg, a sand scrub commences! Money not well spent!!
That evening I once again meet such wonderful people. I play my first ever beer pong, we make it into the semi finals thanks to Sarah’s good aim. I lost us the game of flip cup, as I find I just can’t flip a cup, the competition was fierce :)!! I am sure I mentioned finding my inner child in an earlier post, well here she is, and she has had a right good giggle. We head off to a reggae bar to end the night.
The only thing with travelling is that some of the meetings are to brief, people you would like to get to know better, come in and out of your life in a flash. Sometimes sparks fly but all you can do is enjoy it in the moment, it keeps you in the moment. I guess for me it has let me know that there are so many people in this world with whom I will connect. I already can’t wait to meet you all, whoever you are, come to my cafe!!
Today is my last day in Krabi, my last day before I begin my journey home. In the morning Sarah and I part ways. So, you just know we had to have one last adventure, one last climb, one last monsoon storm. We head to Wat Tham Sua at Tiger cave, on the top of the mountain you can see in the distance.
First we meet the monkeys.
Today the weather is more like what we have experienced in Chaing Mia. It is so close, so hot. We look up at the mountain, we look at each other and have a brief moment wondering how we have done all our little adventures, how we had the energy? As right now we are tempted to just have a snooze, something to do with relaxing on a beach for two days perhaps! But this is Sarah and Helen, and it is our last day, so up we go.
We contemplate going back down as for some reason (maybe the beer pong) we seem little able to do more tham 100 steps at a time without pausing to sweat and breath. The detox on this trip has been quite a feature!!
But we can’t go down, we can do this, and everyone on the way down encourages those on the way up, it’s worth it they say. Some guy on our way down ask for assurance that there is apple pie at the top, I promise him there is also a cup of tea. Another asks if there is a tiger, he may have read his guide book slightly wrong. We hope he likes huge buddhas or he is heading only for dissapointment!
The top!!
But you can so see what’s coming across the mountains….of course, come on monsoon, bring it on!
As I look out across the countryside, I think about my month here, about my very first blog. Where I was then, and where I am now. My first ever blog on this site I could hardly even string a sentence together, single words expressed so many emotions.
I think about the many people I have met, be it for a moment or now for a lifetime to come. How each and everyone, some without even knowing, have played such an impotant part in my life, and I thank them all. I have learnt so much from them, and have hopefully given a little something back in return.
Who knows, maybe some paths will cross again!
I think about the life I am coming home to and the eternal faith that my life experience is giving me. My future is still in many respects unknown, but I don’t wish for it to be any other way, what fun would that be. Even worst case scenarios would in fact be a joy, so how can I possibly go wrong. Surrounded by an army of love and friendship, family and friends.
I sit, legs to the side, hands to my chest, insence lit, I have alot to be thankful for today. I have alot to always be thankful for.
On the way back down as our legs turn to jelly, the adrenaline kicks in. I turn around to see Sarah coming down in what can only be described as a Laurel and Hardy walk. In a broad accent and with her eternal sense of humor, she remarks that it’s a good job she was born with extremely turned out hips, and that I should be thankful that I am so much closer to the ground. My ribs ache, my stomach hurts, as once again I cry with laughter.
So, this will be my last blog from Thailand…….but there will be so many more to come, first the journey home….who knows what might happen!
Thankyou all for being by my side.
Love to you all, always.